Why The Left’s Battles Are Always Uphill

Michael Nabert
6 min readDec 21, 2021

The Dark Side really is quicker, easier, and more seductive.

Image by Beth Scupham on Flickr

Keeping people ignorant and outraged is easy. Educating and inspiring them is hard.

Speaking a self serving lie takes a lot less effort than disproving one.

Leaping to declare premature certainty isn’t nearly as challenging as being intellectually honest about navigating complexities.

“You are right to be selfish and don’t owe anyone else anything” is an easier message to sell than “You should share that thing you worked hard for with other people, even including people that you dislike.”

That becomes more true the harder it becomes to get ahead, to pay your bills, to even secure the merest crust of bread to feed your family in the first place.

It’s a million times easier to burn a house down than it is to build one.

The same is true of institutions, social safety nets, or public safety. Of civilizations themselves. Keeping trains running and lights on and grocery store shelves full is a complex juggling act of careful coordinated effort. Monkey wrenching and tearing things down is not.

It takes years of hard study to become a doctor and learn to heal. Pulling the trigger takes but an instant and…



Michael Nabert

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.