Revoke the Fraser Institute’s charitable status

Michael Nabert
10 min readJul 2, 2021

They are a 100% partisan public misinformation mill.

Increasingly intellectually impoverished, today’s political right offers very few ideas or policies, preferring to focus on manufacturing grievances. They can readily rhyme off a litany of things they’d be quick to repeal, replace, defund, or sell, but with little more than vague handwaving about what exactly they might replace them with. When in office, they consistently starve education of funding and interfere with it ideologically, because the more well educated the public is, the less likely they will vote with the right.

Indeed, among the die hard base of rightwing voters education is something often sneered at. 59% of US Republicans believe that higher education — learning — is bad for America. When we take an objective step back to put that in context, the reason why becomes plain. It’s pretty widely understood that facts have an obvious and firmly established liberal bias. After all, if the genuine facts would actually back you up, you wouldn’t need Trumpism’s endless parade of so-called “Alternative Facts.” Educated people tend to respond to evidence of frighteningly obvious things like climate change, or the fact that trickle down doesn’t work, and therefore reject those who not only deny these problems, but push relentlessly to accelerate…



Michael Nabert

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.