It’s Not Quiet Quitting, It’s Acting Your Wage.

Michael Nabert
4 min readAug 28, 2022

You’re not a serf, don’t be owned.

Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels

If you haven’t already heard, the business world is all in a tizzy over a new workplace trend. Workers are no longer as willing to go ‘above and beyond.’ It’s a little harder post-pandemic to convince your workforce to be on call in their off hours, take on extra duties that they didn't originally contract for, or put in long hours of unpaid overtime. Instead, they are doing exactly what their job description says and then going home. Imagine that.

Corporations used to squeezing their employees for all their worth until they burn out refer to this as “Quiet Quitting.” That term is 100% economic gaslighting. That this new label is being applied to literally doing your job is infuriating. It says so much about how completely our discourse suffers from late stage capitalism Stockholm syndrome. It’s been completely normalized to demonstrate a kind of slavish devotion to your employer as if they own not only the time and duties they pay you for, but a big slice of the rest of your life on the side.

That’s not loyalty. It’s servitude.

Especially when none of the loyalty goes the other way. Wage theft alone is bigger than all other kinds of theft — muggings, B & Es, car thefts — all added together, but it isn’t even officially treated as



Michael Nabert

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.