Goodbye 2021: The Best It’s Ever Going To Be Again

Michael Nabert
5 min readDec 30, 2021

Make the most of your personal slice of these end times.

Image by EFF Photos on Flickr

Here are some things that were awesome and precious about life on Earth in 2021.

There still seemed to be some possibility that we might get a handle on Covid before we ran out of Greek letters.

We still had a mostly functional health care system. Not all of our health care professionals had PTSD yet. Hospitals weren’t yet so overwhelmed that they had to start turning away patients en masse.

Governments were still making a public effort to protect and care for citizens, and sort of had resources to do so. Millions of people lined up for vaccine shots they were offered for free. Some of us even got boosters for free. Not enough, obviously, but still, it kind of rocked. As new variants mean shot after shot after shot, when exactly the public delivery will dry up is debatable, but I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that out of pocket for those who can afford it is where that ends up.

Federal financial aid to citizens that lost jobs to Covid left many behind, but at least made an effort. Any lingering efforts at the end of the year leave progressively more out in the cold.



Michael Nabert

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.