Cryptocurrency is Climate Kryptonite

Michael Nabert
4 min readNov 6, 2021

Stop trying to sell me your bro culture doomsday money.

Bitcoin photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels, burning globe photoshopped by author

Cryptocurrency is out of control. Proponents will argue that that’s the point, spinning a narrative of economic freedom through crypto and somehow sticking it to the man, but it’s the get rich quick promises that drown everything else out. Let’s be realistic for a moment: a struggling single mom is no better equipped to invest in crypto than she is to get rich playing the stock market. To do that sort of thing you need to have significant disposable income to begin with. Get rich quick schemes usually involve some sort of hidden cost, false assumption, dishonesty, or negative impacts externalized to others against their will. Cryptocurrency explodes that downside to a planetary scale: Bitcoin alone could hammer the last nail in the coffin of our climate future all by itself.

If we lived in a sane world, that really ought to be enough for everyone to abandon crypto, but we all know that’s not the world we live in. “I‘ve never given a crap about anyone but myself for a single solitary second” seems to be the general attitude of every crypto bro I’ve ever encountered, and the technical complexity involved in diving into the crypto world seems like less of an obstacle to entry than the staggering level of douchebaggery and weapons-grade misogyny. If immersing myself in…



Michael Nabert

Researching a road map from our imperilled world into one with a livable future with as much good humour as I can muster along the way.