Member-only story
All I Want For Christmas Is A War On Christmas
It’s time to drive a stake through Santa’s heart.

I fully expect anti-leadership from our so-called leaders. If you do, too, it indicates you’ve been paying attention. Our leadership vacuum has reached critical mass. It’s a black hole. Ministers of the environment hold the environment down to help corporations more easily kick it in the face. Health officials minimize pandemics and undermine public health eforts at every turn. The president of the international effort to address the climate crisis is a fucking oil CEO who uses his position to push for the expansion of fossil fuels. Our collective lack of faith in public institutions is perfectly rational and evidence based. Wherever you turn to seek leadership on an urgent issue, odds are you’ll find anti-leadership in its place.
It’s the context in which we all get personally blamed for things that people in positions of real power refuse to address. Your personal carbon footprint is goddamned insignificant beside that of Elon Musk or Taylor Swift. That doesn't mean it doesn't matter, because when scientists tells us we need everyone to do their part, it genuinely means everyone. We just need to be honest that if the poorest 90% of us all do all of the right things, we’re still completely screwed.